• Nutritional Therapy provides personalised, evidence-based diet and lifestyle advice. It considers health, diet, and lifestyle history, and applies nutritional science to provide personalised nutrition recommendations rather than a one-size fits all approach.

    A range of tools are used to assess and identify potential nutritional imbalances and ‘root causes’ of your symptoms and health concerns, using the functional medicine approach.

    You will be advised of appropriate changes to your diet and lifestyle and supplement recommendations if appropriate.

  • Before the consultation:

    When an appointment has been booked you will be sent paperwork to complete and return prior to the consultation. You will need to sign consent forms and complete a detailed Health Check Questionnaire. This includes your medical history and 3-day food diary and provides a picture of your overall health. The Heath Check Questionnaire will only be provided to you for completion once payment has been received. The Health Check Questionnaire must be completed and available for the RNTP to view 10 working days prior to the appointment to allow adequate time for planning.

    Intitial Consultation:

    This will typically be around 90-minutes and gathers information around your health goals and assess your current health issues, diet, and lifestyle. We will then agree together a personalised plan that considers your preferences and a report will then be produced and emailed to you post-consultation.

    Functional testing and supplements may be recommended during the consultation. These are optional and an additional cost to you.

    Follow-up consultations:

    These appointments review your progress and allow for your plan to be adjusted if needed as well as an opportunity to provide further support with health goals and review test results.

  • Nutritional Therapy is recognised as a complementary medicine and can be used in addition to standard treatments to support individuals with chronic conditions.

    If you are looking for support with your nutritional health and wellbeing then check that a nutritional therapist is registered with the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC), the independent UK regulator for complementary healthcare practitioners. Set up with government support it protects the public by providing a UK voluntary register of health practitioners.

  • Functional testing refers to private diagnostic assessments that can help identify your nutritional status, any imbalances, and/or pathogens which may be present that may be contributing to your health issue/s. These will be discussed if appropriate during your consultation and may involve a blood test, urine sample or stool sample.

    Results will be discussed with you at a follow-up consultation and can help to guide future personalised diet and lifestyle recommendations. There will be an additional charge for private functional testing and interpretation.

  • An initial consultation is 90-minutes. Follow-up sessions are a mixture of review calls and consultations with timings depending on the package and your programme requirements.

  • Health issues can take years to develop and there is no quick fix. Following a programme of support allows time to review your progress and adjust recommendations to help develop new lifestyle habits. Depending on your health goals, programmes start from 9-weeks, with 12-week programmes an ideal timeframe of support. Follow-up maintenance programmes are available for existing clients.

  • A minimum of 24 hours’ notice is required in writing for appointment cancellations and re-bookings to sarah@sarahleithrussellnutrition.co.uk. You may be charged, or your appointment forfeited without refund if less than 24 hours’ notice is given.

  • Nutritional Therapy is the application of nutrition and lifestyle medicine sciences in the promotion of personalised health and optimum performance.

    Registered Nutritional Therapy Practitioners assess and identify potential nutritional imbalances and understand how these may contribute to an individual’s symptoms and health concerns.

    Dietitians are qualified and regulated health professionals that assess, diagnose and treat dietary and nutritional problems at an individual and wider public-health level. They can work in private and public healthcare, education, corporate wellness, research, and the food industry.

    BANT Nutritional Therapy Practitioners do not diagnose or treat disease, and recommendations are not a replacement for medical advice; practitioners frequently work alongside medical professionals to support individual’s wellbeing.